

I am nothing

Using X-Accel-Redirect with lua

I had used X-Accel-Redirect with Python/Flask and nginx at work. I wanted to do the same with lua for a hobby project. So the title is what I Googled for when I wanted to serve files with nginx-lua. I soon realized I was looking for the wrong thing. My search term was wrong. Hence the title is misleading too :D. You can’t actually use X-Accel-Redirect meaningfully with nginx-lua. X-Accel-Redirect is apparently only processed by modules like ngx_proxy, ngx_fastcgi etc.

The First Post

Another superfluous achievement in the chase of new and shiny. Oh who am I kidding?. Static sites have been here forever. Hugo has been here for so long. Heck this blog post itself has been on my machine since last year. It’s just that I never put it online. Or write this text until now (2016-06-07) #YOLO. Such is adult life. Well It’s nothing wrong about adult life either. It’s just me being lazy.